
The Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in Psychology at SFU Berlin include both a well-founded basic scientific education (for example, by teaching quantitative and qualitative methods) and a practical qualification for later employment. Our teaching concept is based on three focal points: Theory, practice and self-awareness. Our teaching team is made up of researchers and practitioners from various professional fields in psychology. Interculturality and international exchange are also central focal points of our teaching. Students studying in the English MA program can specialize in either Business & Economic Psychology or in Clinical Psychology & Public Mental Health.


Sigmund Freud University itself and all regular university studies in psychology conducted by the Faculty of Psychology are accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance Austria in Austria. The academic degrees awarded correspond to the degrees of a “recognised domestic post-secondary educational institution” and are, like these, internationally recognised. The English language programmes will offered in Berlin beginning in October 2024, subject to accreditation by AQ Austria.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Meike Watzlawik, head of the psychology department, on the study programmes (video in German):