
Department of Psychology
Sigmund Freud Private University Berlin

Study Programmes

What makes studying Psychology at SFU so special?

All our psychology degree programmes are based on the same principles, objectives and values: basic training (Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes) is practice-oriented and takes place as far as possible in direct connection with existing practice and care facilities. All courses with a practising character are conducted in small groups. The individual supervision of students by professors and assistants, which is entirely geared towards personal support, is guaranteed by our open-door policy.

Studying psychology prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities. This wide spectrum of career prospects is matched by a broad range of research-based and research-guided teaching, especially in the Bachelor’s programme. The Bachelor psychology degree programme is oriented towards cultural and social sciences and provides a basic education in scientific psychology. The Master’s programme in psychology offers a scientific education preparing students for professional practice. 

In order to promote a readiness for interdisciplinarity from the very beginning, teaching is also offered in subjects that directly border on psychology: sociology, political science, historical anthropology, economics, etc. In contrast to the primarily natural science-oriented study programmes at Austrian and German state universities and colleges, the curricula of our psychology study programmes are also more oriented towards social science, cultural science and the humanities.