Saase, S. (2022, June). POST-HAPPYLAND: Intersectional privilege awareness and its potential for psychotherapy. Paper to be presented at the 3rd International Conference LGBT+ Psychology and Related Fields – Promoting Equality, Social Justice and Psychosocial Well-Being in a Contrasting World, Lisbon Portugal.
Diethold, J., Hornstein, R.R. & Watzlawik, M. (2021, März). Die Erfassung von Geschlecht: Bisherige Praxis und Empfehlungen für Neuerungen aus community-basierter Forschung. Vortrag im Rahmen der Online Tagung Feministische und queere Perspektiven für die Psychologie III.
Günther, L. (2021, June). Allegory Analysis – A Qualitative Approach. Paper presented at the 1st Online Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP). [master student]
Huf, N. (2021, June). Finding your voice: a voice centered listening analysis about finding acceptance within yourself. Paper presented at the 1st Online Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP). [master student]
Jacobi, J. (2021, June). Insights in a vulva-circle – Exploring an female* body experience. Paper presented at the 1st Online Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP). [master student]
Saase, S. (2021, September). Intersectionality Traveling into Quantitative Research or Do We Underestimate Quantitative Research? Paper to be presented at the online conference Beyond the Binary Variable: Feminist Quantitative Analyses of Gendered Inequalities, University of Cambridge.
Saase, S. (2021, Juli). Are open minds enough? The need for intersectional competence and location of self in psychotherapy. Paper presented at the International Online Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2020+ Open Minds, Society & World.
Saase, S. (2021, März). Intersektionalität und Therapie – it does matter! Vortrag im Rahmen der Online Tagung Feministische und queere Perspektiven für die Psychologie III.
Salden, S. (2021, März). Was motiviert Lehrkräfte, die Situation von nicht geschlechtskonformen, trans* und (NGTI) Schüler*innen zu verbessern. Vortrag im Rahmen der Online Tagung Feministische und queere Perspektiven für die Psychologie III.
Watzlawik, M. (2021, März). Identity – where is it? In C. Demuth (Chair), Qualitative research on identity – celebrating diversity [Symposium]. 1st Online Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP).
Saase, S. (2020, März). Privilegien 3.0 – intersektionales Privilegienbewusstsein zwischen Kritischer Theorie und Cyborg. Vortrag auf dem Kongress der Neuen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (NGfP) »Digitalisierung« Sirenengesänge oder Schlachtruf der »kannibalistischen Weltordnung«, Berlin.
Salden, S., Watzlawik, M. & Klocke, U. (2020, November). Bullying of (supposed) LGBTI students: What can teachers, schools and politics do to fight it? Paper presented at the Online Bullying Research Symposium, Vienna Austria.
Krolo, F., Preisler, M., Watzlawik, M., Rohrmoser, A., Goerling, U. & Letsch, A. (2020, February). Prognostic Awareness Regarding the Treatment Intensity in Cancer Patients. Poster presented at the 35th German Cancer Congress (Deutscher Krebskongress), Berlin, Germany. [master student]
Watzlawik, M., Salden, S. & Saase, S. (2019, August). Putting Theory Into Practice – Operationalizing Intersectional Behavior. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial Conference of International Society for Theoretical Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Salden, S., Watzlawik, M. & Hornstein, R. (2019, August). Measuring Sex/Gender in Psychology. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial Conference of International Society for Theoretical Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark.